Tuesday, December 21, 2021

ITM Business Solutions specializes in solutions and services

  ITM Business Solutions specializes in solutions and services. We market, sell, distribute and service the most technologically advanced products throughout the Triad and we are committed to providing customers with optimum system performance.


Managed Print Services is something that many companies are taking full advantage of. If your company does not currently utilize Managed Print Services, there are many reasons to make the switch over. We will outline some of the best reasons to make the switch.First, we will provide you with a basic definition of Managed Print Services. Managed Print Services is an outsourcing service where the company providing the service takes full responsibility for managing a company’s print environment. The overall goal of Managed Print Services is to cut down on a company’s print expenditure, cutting cost and unnecessary waste.Here are some of the best reasons to make the switch: Automate the support of your print environment rack and view your company’s printing


 ITM Business Solutions uses your actual information to uncover the total cost of operation on the current fleet. From there, our business consultants can help you plan for a print management strategy.

Cost Visibility:

  • Eliminate capital expenditure

  • Line item budgeted expense includes all costs: supplies,
    service, and equipment

  • One monthly invoice to process

  • Color output strategy 

Managed Fleet: 

  • Right-size hardware: redeploy, remove, and replace devices
    where it makes sense

  • Leverage technology: combine functionality and focus on a
    long-term strategy

  • Reduce IT burden: on-site service and support for the fleet

  • Remote monitoring for supply fulfillment

  • Ongoing fleet management: identify under/over used devices, adjust for changes and future needs.

Our assessment tool uses a process that requires no special configurations and is completely unobtrusive to the end-user. Within minutes, we will discover and audit all printers and MFPs (multi-function printers).

Monday, December 20, 2021

Food Experience Hampers || Afternoon Tea in box

 We initially started during the first lock-down as a care package donation service of essential goods. Since then thanks to everyone who has purchased a box from us and in keeping with our community promise we have been able to donate hundreds of food boxes to care homes, homeless shelters, domestic violence support and local communities. 

​We have now extended our range to  include delicious experience food hampers. From

Quintessential Afternoon Tea Hampers to Healthy School Lunch Boxes

​We are also able to offer bespoke and customised food hampers in order to meet your brand and event needs.  

Friday, December 17, 2021

Fish Tank NZ | Buy & Sell Pet Fish & Aquarium Products

 FishTank NZ is the world's first comprehensive & dedicated classifieds platform for fish pet hobbyists and enthusiasts,to come under one place in order to buy, sell, exchange & rent all live fish, aquarium tanks,and related products & services.

The aquarium principle was fully developed in 1850 by the chemist Robert Warington, who explained that plants added to water in a container would give off enough oxygen to support animals, so long as the numbers of animals did not grow too large. The aquarium craze was launched in early Victorian England by Gosse, who created and stocked the first public aquarium at the London Zoo in 1853, and published the first manual, The Aquarium: An Unveiling of the Wonders of the Deep Sea in 1854. Small aquariums are kept in the home by hobbyists. There are large public aquariums in many cities. Public aquariums keep fish and other aquatic animals in large tanks. A large aquarium may have otters, turtles, dolphins, sharks, and whales. Most aquarium tanks also have plants. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Real Estate Agents || Commercial Real Estate Agent || Best Realtor

 At The Headley Group Realty we uphold an ongoing commitment to providing an elevated level of personal service. Our clients come first, and as a result, they are able to achieve more than they ever dreamed with their real estate investment.

Because we expect more from our associates, you can expect more from us when it comes to the important sale or purchase of your property. When it comes to your next move, we want you to experience the difference exceptional real estate service can make.

Contact us today, for free real estate advice, to find your nearest sales associate or to find your dream home!

Friday, December 3, 2021

Moorex Token

 Moorex was built to be the best decentralized protocol available. We are looking to revolutionize decentralization, all while educating the masses about cryptocurrency and impacting business owners and start ups worldwide. We put together an experienced team to build this project, which is more than a defi token, but the future of decentralization and cryptocurrency. The Moorex protocol was built to achieve sustainable long-term growth with tokenomics and an ecosystem that rewards its holders and community.

Moorex is a community focused DeFi token aiming to bring transparency and anonymity into charity in the finance sector. Moorex Token has a maximum supply of 100 billion on the Ethereum blockchain. A 2% transaction tax is distributed among all holders, which means everyone that holds Moorex Token will receive a never ending cycle of passive income. 3% goes to the charity wallet for business grants, and 2% goes to the liquidity pool. We did not have a pre sale for this token because we wanted to give everyone a chance to be early buyers of the Moorex Token. Instead, we had a stealth launch, with no paid advertising or marketing before launch. We have locked 80% of our liquidity. The other 20% will go to future development, marketing, charity, and exchange listings. Moorex is a decentralized exchange which allows users to exchange their ERC-20 tokens for another while providing full custody over their tokens and coins. Moorex is a decentralized automated market maker (AMM) on the Ethereum blockchain. Users are rewarded with Moorex tokens for creating liquidity and staking within the ecosystem. Moorex will also have a no loss DeFi savings lottery, which will allow users to save money and win weekly rewards. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Moorex Token

 This is the official website of the Moorex token, a new decentralized Ethereum based ERC-20 token which is the native utility token for the Moorex Crypto Wallet and Moorex Decentralized Exchange.

The advent of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology disrupted the flow of traditional industries. This revolutionized finance, investments, healthcare, and charity. Moorex aims to bring transparency and anonymity into charity and the finance sector. The ultimate aim of the Moorex token (MOOR) is to support the vetted business owners while making its holders rich. DeFi is the best product of cryptocurrency and blockchain so far. Moorex makes use of suitable DeFi protocols to take the fruits of decentralization and NFTs to the public. Moorex's exchange platform is superior to its centralized counterparts in terms of efficiency and transparency. The idea behind the Moorex is to support the charity from the funds raised through the DeFi protocol.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Seriale online turcesti HD subtitrate

 Turkish series draws in a great deal of consideration in Turkey as well as on the world. It's obviously true that Turkey offers a great deal of series to the world. 

Turkish series, which are loaded with both drama, love and action, are taking place among the best series and shown in the world. The most viewed Turkish Series in 2021 and the past are: Sen Cal Kapimi, Masumlar apartmani, Dogdugun Ev Kaderindir, Cukur, Atiye. At present Turkey, after the United States is the world's second and largest series exporter. Britain, France and Germany also come after Turkey. More than 650 million viewers in more than 140 countries have an interest in the Turkish series.

Ask Mantik Intikam

Esra, care este o chelneriță, vrea să scape de viața plină de necazuri pe care le-a experimentat. Din acest motiv, el face o căsătorie logică cu bardul, care este și inginer. Dar Esra, care are și probleme materiale și spirituale în căsnicia ei, părăsește bardul. Bard devine bogat prin deschiderea unei companii de software la ceva timp după divorț. Într-o zi, când Leyla începe să lucreze în compania lui Bard, cele două căi se intersectează din nou.

Actori:  Burak Yörük, Burcu Özberk, Ceren Koç, Günay Karacaoğlu, Ilhan Şen, Mehmet Korhan Fırat, Melisa Döngel, Sevda Baş, Suleyman Atanisev, Zeynep Kankonde si altii;

Gen: Comedie, Romantic ;

Difuzare in Romania: PeSerialeHD.Us;

Lansat: 2021;

IMDb: 8,9.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Seriale online turcesti HD subtitrate


Today is a decent day to be a devotee of worldwide movies. With an ever increasing number of individuals getting to know the media contributions of various nations, it’s turning out to be dynamically simpler to discover incredible concealed pearls from one side of the planet to the other on streaming stages. For as much consideration as things from Bollywood, Japan, Korea, and China have been seeing recently, in any case, Turkey is frequently ignored notwithstanding being another force to be reckoned with. Today, how about we look at some Turkish dramatization series you need to watch on Netflix promptly (suggested by Vogue India) to more readily comprehend the incredible shows the nation is making at present.
Emanet (2020)” Kevser a crescut într-un cartier umil și sărac și după ce a devenit mireasa fiului bogatei familii Kirimli, tatăl ei întrerupe toate legăturile cu ea, deoarece el nu aprobă această căsătorie. Dar când Kevser își pierde soțul, ea se găsește brusc prinsă în conacul lipsit de iubire Kirimli împreună cu fiul ei Yusuf, în vârstă de 5 ani, și nu are unde să se întoarcă. Într-o zi, tragedia are loc și ea moare în accident. Micul Yusuf este acum blocat într-un conac plin de oameni vicioși și îi lipsește disperat de afecțiune și iubire. Unchiul său Yaman este un om de afaceri puternic, dur și cu inima rece, care și-a închis inima tuturor sentimentelor cu mult timp în urmă. Deși Yusuf este foarte bine protejat în grija unchiului său, el tânjește simpatie. Pe patul de moarte, Kevser o roagă pe sora ei Seher să vină la conac și să aibă grijă de fiul ei. Simțind o datorie pentru a proteja mostenirea surorii sale, Seher își părăsește și cartierul pentru a se muta în conacul Kirimli. Cele două familii continuă să se confrunte cu diferite conflicte, dar o inimă profundă incontestabilă   începe să crească în inimile lui Seher și Yaman.

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 In the last few years, the international viewership of the Turkish series has increased in both east and west at a rapid pace. Turkish TV series which are called ‘Dizi’ have huge audiences in the United States, Balkan countries, the Middle East, China, Russia, Korea, Latin America, South Africa and Asia. Several Turkish series on Netflix, Amazon Prime and other channels are available with English dubbing. But hardcore fans love to watch them with English subtitles.

Like: Urmărește filmul turcesc Dragoste Nesfârșită online subtitrat. Zeynep (Fahriye Evcen) este o femeie tânără care trăiește împreună cu fratele ei în cazul ei. Can (Murat Yıldırım) este un chirurg foarte reușit și bogat, care a reușit să devină profesor la o vârstă fragedă și la vârful profesiei sale. În circumstanțe normale, nu există nici un punct comun și nu există niciun motiv pentru a exista în același mediu. Dar aceste vieți diferite vor provoca multe obstacole în calea dragostei lor. Urmărește filmul turcesc Dragoste Nesfârșită online subtitrat.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

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 Do you want to see Turkish romantic series? Clickvest.net you will find over 500 of the cutest love comedies and some of the most popular Turkish romantic series.  Plus some thrillers and dramas. You can see most of them on TV, on Romanian television stations such as Kanal D or Happy Channel, or on Netflix. Or you can see them on Youtube translated into Romanian or simply online with subtitles on the sites dedicated to this.  Most of them are new Turkish series, from 2019, 2018, 2020 or even 2021. Here you will find some of your favorite Turkish romantic series. 

Turkish series are rightly a huge success worldwide, surpassing those in Latin America in popularity for several years. What’s their secret? They understand us and express our desires, passions, make us dream and live strong emotions. The producers do not like to call them Turkish soap operas, but say, a TV style that is still being defined.

Like Urmareste serialul turcesc Nehir Episodul 30 online subtitrat. “Nehir” descrie povestea impresionantă a unei tinere care duce o luptă continuă pentru supraviețuire. Nehir Aksu, interpretată de actrița Biran Damla Yilmaz, a avut o copilarie extrem de dificilă. Abandonată de către părinți, încă din fragedă pruncie, s-a confruntat cu greutățile inerente vieții în orfelinat. Urmareste serialul turcesc Nehir Episodul 30 online subtitrat.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Pacific Sun Productions is full service video and animation company


Pacific Sun Productions is full service video and animation company that provides scriptwriting and storyboard, all the way through to the final delivery. We specialize scientific storytelling solutions,3D medical animations, high definition videos and interactive Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality applications. Our focus is on the pharmaceutical, medical health care and education, medical device companies and biotechnological sectors. Our goal is to bring your vision to life with compelling imagery.

We are passionate about what we do! Our goal is to create visually stunning and highly interactive content to make you shine and achieve your goals! Our high-quality visuals can be utilized across multiple channels to support pharmaceutical companies, and transform complicated science into easier to understand 3D animations and/or videos; to help explain the science behind medical devices, procedures, for investor relations, corporate communications and other healthcare related educational activities.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

I will do high da backlink and social profiles for SEO ranking

 Welcome to My Service of actual SEO and ranking your site

Backlink and social profiles service is the most powerful strategy in SEO ranking. when you link your website with high da domain authority site then the search engine index your website and you will gain more traffic and visitor. I will do this service manually and carefully for my buyers.

Why will you choose MY service?

*  White Hat 100% Manual work. 

*  Fast Delivery.

*  100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

*  High-Quality backlinks

*  Increase your website ranking

*  Extremely Friendly with Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird

*  We will deliver our service as promised.

*  Delivery Always On Time. Plus 24/7 Support.

*  Detailed Excel Report.

*  100% White Hat SEO

*  Full report in Excel sheet

*  Full report with username and passwords

If you have any questions feel free please contact me



Thursday, June 10, 2021

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 Launched in 2021, Critical Thinke was synonymous with video content long before video marketing became a buzzword. 

Critical Thinke  allows you to upload videos for free, and creators can even earn money for their content with its ad-supported monetization options. Thanks to its popularity—which means there's an existing audience built in— Critical Thinke  is often the default choice for business owners to host their videos. And it helps that its videos are given prime spots in Google search results.

Log in to the platform with your Google account. You can then launch a channel under your personal name or business name. Once you've customized your channel, you can start uploading videos: Click Create a video or post button at the top right of the homepage.

One final feature worth mentioning: For videos in certain languages, Critical Thinke offers automatic captions. Head to your published video, and click Edit > Subtitles and CC. If automatic captions for your video are available, you'll see them on the right of the video, where you can review them and make any necessary changes. If not, you can also add subtitles or captions manually.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

free speech video sharing platform || free speech video sharing || YouTube alternative

 Content is the essence of the web. Clients blossom with devouring data that starts their advantage in the most intuitive manner. Discussing which, since the beginning of the advanced time, recordings have been clearing their path through the top substance clients see consistently. Truth be told, YouTube, the second biggest site across the globe, is the biggest video sharing stage.

As indicated by WordStream, perusers hold just 10% of a message while perusing when contrasted with 95% while watching a video. Consolidate that with a trustworthy and quick web association and you have plenty of substance streaming toward you! This offers content makers a brilliant chance to grandstand their insight and innovativeness to watchers from everywhere the world.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Estate Agency in Wisconsin Dells || Wisconsin dells homes for sale || Housing market 2021

 Buyers testimonial with Kimball Realtors in Wisconsin Dells

Kimball Realtors LLC interviews buyers that purchased a home and they provide their feedback on their experience with us. We provide the Best Customer Service in Real Estate and they verify that we do just that. Lorre & Andrew of Kimball Realtors in Wisconsin Dells interviews Mike and Terry Bidwell about their experience with them as Buyers of a home in Wisconsin Dells.

We work with both Seller's and Buyer's and love Selling Homes and Condominiums. Kimball Realtors LLC has the Best Real Estate Agents in Wisconsin Dells, Lake Delton and Reedsburg. We provide the Best Customer Service in Real Estate! Don't believe us? See our Google Reviews.

Please tell us in the comments below what your experience was with your real estate agent when you sold or bought a home. Thank you

E-commerce Revolution: A Comprehensive Examination of its Impact

  Introduction: Briefly introduce the concept of e-commerce and its evolution over the years. Highlight the significance of e-commerce in t...